Sluice Issue #13

Netflix Summons the Lord of Dream

Sluice  | by Arthur H. Manners

Issue #13

Things to share this week

1.Books: Sophie's World by Jostein Gaardner. Apparently this is for kids, but I enjoyed it immensely. I wish I'd known about it as a kid. As accessible an introduction to western philosophy as you're likely to find, with the sweetest narrative weaving it together.2. Music: Unravel by Sleepy Tom. I've been listening to a lot of lo-fi lately, and Spotify has picked this one to put on repeat to the point that I hum it while washing up. It's obviously designed as working music. Obviously.3. YouTube: VFX Artist Reveals how Many Solar Panels are Needed to Power the ENTIRE World by Corridor Crew. As though I wasn't in love with Corridor Crew enough. This is one of the best introductions to the green energy problems I've seen. Slick graphics they made themselves, and Wren excels at giving a shit.4. Film/TV: The Sandman | First Look, Netflix. They're adapting Sandman in live action. This is a sneek peek. I almost vibrated out of the room with excitement. Please, let it be good.5. Books: The Diary of a Bookseller by Shaun Bythell. I'm just coming to the end of reading this now. It's not a rare thing to love a bookshop, but bookshops themselves are becoming a rarity. I went into the Topping & Company Booksellers of Ely last weekend and considered hiding in the walls. The Diary of a Bookseller is a hilarious and fascinating account of the daily occurrences in a bookshop. It's like peeking into a shared fantasy: what would it be like to throw it all in and just sit in a pile of books and sell them to infuriating locals? Shaun, the author and owner of The Book Shop in Wigtown, Scotland, has given some great interviews on YouTube — like this hour-long chat.

Until next time, be good.

Best regards,


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